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Lightstick SMS

Lightstick a.k.a. Glowsticks are idea to mark specific spots but can also be used to identify your teammates in dark enviroments! more about product

7 variant skladem
€ 1,2


Lightstick is a unique light source which does not needs a battery or a fire.
Chemical lights can be used to determine position during the night journey, illuminating the nearest environment, as an alarm signal, or as an emergency light source. To enable the process bend the baton in both hands until it cracks inside the vial, and then shake. It combines chemical substances and using the phenomena luminescence produce light of a certain color, depending on the dye. This phenomenon is so unique, that during the whole process lightstick produces no heat.

The process in the light of chemical luminescence can be slowed down by placing the lightstick in a freezer. 

Product code M-108434